Press Protector™



The PRESS PROTECTOR™ allows a DB to use proper hand placement without holding a receiver! Practice proper techniques and fundamentals associated with press coverage in an effort to eliminate costly defensive holding and pass interference calls. Wearing the mitts helps a defender stab and steer without grabbing cloth. The mitts are padded so a DB can still jam with an open palm and re-direct. The thumb is free so that hand placement is exactly the same as in a game-like situation. Just can’t hold. Excellent for teaching one or two-handed jams. Easy to slip on and take off. A Velcro strap fastens around the wrist to prevent the mitts from sliding off. Lightweight and safe to wear! Covered in lycra making the mitts slick and slippery. Minimizing defensive holding and pass interference calls are critically important for team success!

“The coaching point is to teach a DB to defend without holding!”

US Patent Pending