Block Spot



The BLOCK SPOT is a tool that allows you to get multiple reps on blocking punts. Buckle one end of the strap to the crossbar. At the other end is a football inside a harness. Swing the ball toward the middle of the end zone and it places the ball at the proper depth from the goal line. The perfect block point is 9 yards from the Line of Scrimmage. This tool puts the ball in the same location every time. It puts the ball at the right depth and at the right height where blocks occur. It challenges the punt blocker to arrive at the “Block Spot” when the ball is coming off the punter’s foot. Using this tool, a punt blocker can learn to use a long arm to block the football without leaving their feet. Punt blockers can get their timing down and perfect a quick release off the LOS. Get multiple reps without involving the punter or risking injury to the punter. Football not included in the package.

“The coaching point is anticipating the “block spot” of a punted football without injuring a punter!”

Color: Orange