Norwich Bulletin – Historically Speaking: Bozrah man has legacy in sports

He was an American original. To own that title one must have creative juices working constantly, be imaginative, ingenious and resourceful. He decidedly fit that description and then some! Martin (Marty) John Gilman was born in the Bozrahville section of Bozrah, one of seven children, in 1907, and was educated in a one room school […]


JUST about every piece of field equipment that will be used tonight during the Super Bowl at Reliant Stadium in Houston — the goalposts, sideline markers, first-down chains, pylons, kicking nets and more — was made in the village of Gilman in Bozrah. Gilman Gear has been an official supplier of equipment for the National […]

Sports Illustrated – The great pylon shortage of 2021

s the holiday season nears, countless businesses, big and small, continue to tackle the challenges of a worldwide supply chain crisis. Inflation rates and shipping costs have skyrocketed as demand outpaces supply, exacerbated by swelling labor shortages and contracting transportation capacities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Ports remain clogged with unloaded cargo freights. Consumers are projected […]